Location: Nuevo León
Advised Area: 750 m2
Service: Universal Accessibility Consulting

Universal accessibility

  • Accessible urban furniture
  • Ischial supports
  • Accessible visual, olfactory, tactile, and auditory signage
  • Ramps with minimal slopes
  • Universal and accessible pedestrian crossings
  • Accessible corridors and walkways
  • Double-height luminaires
  • Accessible bus stop

The image shows an avenue with cars driving and a sidewalk accessible to all users. The sidewalk has well-proportioned spaces. Comfortable wooden benches and stairs leading to a building can be seen. There is a lot of vegetation, with large, leafy trees providing shade to both the avenue and the sidewalk. The image shows a panoramic view of a large area with buildings. Four very large buildings surrounded by vegetation, trees, and pools stand out, giving it the appearance of a residential area. More buildings can be seen on the sides.