Statement of Privacy & Terms of Use
In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, TODO ACCESIBLE S.C., with address at Cuernavaca, Morelos, Code Postal 62120, and in its capacity as responsible for your personal and sensitive data, as well as the use that is given to them and their protection, makes this Privacy Notice available to you.
The personal data and sensitive personal data that you voluntarily provide to TODO ACCESIBLE S.C., will be used to identify, locate and contact you; registration based on data which seeks accessibility and inclusion in public and private spaces to every human being who presents temporarily or permanently some partial or total deficiency in his physical faculties, intellectual or sensory; as well as any other purpose analogous to those established here, and will be protected by administrative, technical and physical security measures to prevent their damage, loss, alteration, destruction, improper use, access or disclosure.
TODO ACCESIBLE S.C., will use the personal data here collected to identify you, locate and contact you and register you in its contact database; for, among others: report on your skills, achievements, challenges you have had or have to be a testimony outstanding for the company; Generate dissemination of your testimony through our social networks as featured testimonial of the month; issuance of your resume that makes you an outstanding testimonial for our company; and issue a photo of his person with his information on why he is a featured testimonial of the month. Your personal data such as address, telephone or email, only if you provide them for personal or wider dissemination purposes, as well as any other purpose analogous to those established here or related to the corporate purpose of TODO ACCESIBLE S.C.
In such cases, we inform you that TODO ACCESIBLE S.C., as responsible for the personal data, guarantees that this Privacy Notice will be respected at all times and The necessary measures will be adopted so that the people who have access to your personal data comply with it, as well as with the principles of protection of personal data established in the Law.
To exercise your right you may access, rectify and cancel your data personal, as well as oppose the treatment of the same or revoke the consent, by means of application submitted in writing at the address indicated in the first paragraph on business days and in a schedule from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (ARC Rights)
Any modification to this notice will be notified through our page internet www.todoaccesible.com, www.todoaccesible.com.mx, www.lugaresaccesibles.com, www.lugaresaccesibles.com.mx, www.distintivoa.com, www.distintivoa.com.mxto your email, in case of having it and it is updated and current and/or through publication and exhibition in our home. If you have questions or comments regarding this Notice of Privacy, as well as to exercise your ARCO Rights, we provide you with our contact information:
Email address: contacto@todoaccesible.com, Bosque de Ciruelos 168 - 2, Colonia Bosques de las Lomas, Miguel Hidalgo, CP. 11700, Mexico City.